Let's see where to start? Well a quick introduction of what this blog will hopefully look like. I want a way besides facebook to keep everyone updated on how life is going and what the Lord is teaching me.
A quick review: I just began my second year at the Honor Academy and I am loving it!I learned so much in my first year and have no doubt I will learn just as much this year. I'm in the School of Worship and am so excited to be learning more about leading worship.
We have been going through Gauntlet sessions with the new Augusts and it has reminded me of a lot of things. Some highlights of quotes Baptism night (check out the video, taken by HA staff, for some amazing footage of what God did. Actual baptism footage starts at about 4:05) - Are you running from hell or running to Jesus? History session - Are you ready to surrender everything? Then stand up and make the declaration, I want the cross!
Statements that are so simple yet so impacting. So back to the title of the blog... why choose the cross? Is it easy? - No. Is it worth it? - Every moment. The sacrifices that I make on a daily basis are nothing in comparison to the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. I stand in amazement that if I were the only person who would ever choose to follow Him, He still would have suffered everything just for me. Choosing the cross is a sacrifice, and some days it may be hard to see that it's worth it, but being able to cling to the days of sweet intimate time with Jesus are MORE than worth it. It's hard to see an invisible God, and yet, with His grace I am privileged to say He has opened my eyes to be able to see Him through the things He does. Though we cannot see the wind, we know it is there. Though I may never see a physical body of Christ until heaven, I know He lives and I am to shine Him through everything I do. I don't mean to preach (too much :). ) So I will leave it there for now.