Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Setting up another blog

For someone who has never blogged before this year, I certainly have been doing a lot more blogging than I thought I ever would. I had to set up a second blog today, it will be specifically focused on my year on ministry team and what the Lord is doing each week. The Ministry Team Road Managers had us all set one up in hopes of it being a good place to keep supporters updated, and wanting to continue to give, as fund raising is much harder while on the road.
If you want to check it out the link is
Pre production started officially on Monday. We've been working fairly short days compared to what we will be once we are in full swing, I'm grateful for the extra down time we have right now. I lost my voice over the weekend, so I'm glad to finally have that back. I'm so excited to see what this next year has in store for me. I find out tomorrow what my role for the next year will be and I am excited yet nervous. There is a specific job that I am hoping to get, but I am praying and trusting the Lord is in control and He knows what is best for me over my own will. We will see what happens soon.
I told myself I was going to be in bed early tonight... and while as early as I hoped will not be happening, I am going to leave now and get the much needed rest that I can while I still have the opportunity to.
For everyone at home know that I miss you dearly and hopefully I can see a lot of you at the Des Moines ATF this year.