Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chantelle Nelson

There is a woman on campus who I would like to honor today. Her name is Chantelle Nelson. She lives in my house and is in The School of Worship program with me. Why honor her today? What is so special about this woman over anyone else? Well, there are qualities of this woman that have frequently gone overlooked, and today I would like to bring them to light. Chantelle is a woman of God who works diligently and many times works above and beyond what is required of her. She is always encouraging others and while some may say things just to encourage others, you can tell when Chantelle speaks it is always true and from her heart. She is a joy to be around. Chantelle interacts with many undergraduate interns and works to grow them and mentor them. I also have the joy of friendship with this amazing woman who has been an ear to listen and help me process and ALWAYS points me back to the Lord when going through hard times. This year I have seen Chantelle grow spiritually and learn more and more to rely on the Lord in all circumstances. Right now Chantelle is relying on the Lord to provide finances, she has worked and worked and worked to see money come in, and at every deadline the Lord has some how made a way. There is another deadline fast approaching, would you be willing to join me in honoring Chantelle? Would you be willing to give a tax deductible donation to help her stay at the Honor Academy and continue to walk in what the Lord is doing in Chantelle's live and through her life. Any amount helps, $1, $5 (one less medium drink at Starbucks this week?), $10. Whatever you have and can give I know would bless Chantelle more than words could express. Would you also join me in prayer for Chantelle, that once again the Lord would be faithful and provide what she needs to stay.
Here is the information you will need to donate to Chantelle. Remember all donations are tax deductible.
US donors can donate online at or by phone by calling 888-419-8336 or 1-903-324-8123. International donors may call those same numbers. If you are in Canada, you may donate online at and select the Honor Academy Intern option or by phone at 800-747-5949.
Name: Chantelle Nelson 
ID# 2545063
Chantelle leading worship on campus

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